YSE sound engine  1.0
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YSE::DSP::delay Class Reference

Public Member Functions

delaysetSize (UInt size)
delayprocess (AUDIOBUFFER &buffer)
delayread (sample &result, UInt delayTime)
delayread (sample &result, AUDIOBUFFER &delayTime)
 delay (Int size)
 delay (const delay &)

Detailed Description

Delay keeps an internal delay line of variable length.

You can read from a delay at any given position, which enables you to get a delayed buffer as a result.

Definition at line 25 of file delay.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

YSE::DSP::delay::delay ( Int  size)

Create a delay line.

sizeThe initial length of the delay line. This can be changed afterwards, but it's faster if you provide the correct size when creating the object.

Member Function Documentation

delay& YSE::DSP::delay::setSize ( UInt  size)

Changes the length of the delay line.

Longer delay lines use more memory, but allow for longer delays.

sizethe size of the delay line.
delay& YSE::DSP::delay::process ( AUDIOBUFFER &  buffer)

Process is responsible for updating the internal delay buffer.

It should only be called once, during audio processing.

bufferthe audio buffer to store in the delay buffer.
delay& YSE::DSP::delay::read ( sample result,
UInt  delayTime 

Read from the delay at a fixed point and store the required part of the buffer in result.

resultThis buffer will receive the audio read from the delay.
delayTimeThe frame at which to start reading from the delay line.
delay& YSE::DSP::delay::read ( sample result,
AUDIOBUFFER &  delayTime 

Read from the delay at a variable point and store the required part of the buffer in result.

resultThis buffer will receive the audio read from the delay.
delayTimeA buffer containing the delay time for each frame.

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